
Friday, 4 September 2015

The GREAT QUILT • by Wahkeena Sitka



The Great Quilt

Our souls are the fabric of woven memory
Weaving dreams into the hemlines
of the stories
that skirt our ankles
Where our feet tip-toe through meadows
where once a flock of thunder buffalo
laid waste to an ocean of sweetgrass standing
beneath the grey sky looming
over the warp and weft
of a tribe and its land
Burying their hearts in ashes 
& smoke of a mass grave
Stinking and rotting
like two thousand corpses
Spread out like pick up sticks
that once picked up their villages; 
tipi poles, blankets & horses - 
moving yet again
to another barren land
where children die of starvation, 
typhoid or forced Christian education - 
to become what we are now.. 
A people without memories - 
walking amnesiacs - 
a plague of zombie locusts.
Without a land our ancestors cherished
Without stories of myth & meaning
Without dreams because we can't sleep - 
a million zombie insomniacs
Who never take responsibility
for the hordes of lives stripped short
of purpose, community, myth & ancestral land. 

We are the souls enslaved by four walls
four walls per person
enthroned in our solitude
Forgetting our wounded knees
and crippled wrists..
Buying the myth of greed
Seduced by unquenchable thirst of more,
enslaved by accumulation.. 
Entombed in acculturated myths of self-glorification,
ego-pampering, intoxicated snacking..
Lacking who we are... 

Lacking who we are,
Lacking wholeness
We need more distractions
to remind us of what we don't own:
our Power

Our Power to Love
Our Power to Care for Community
like our ancestors once did..
To cherish the Life Force Land
The blood that runs in our veins land
the water and earth in our hearts land, 
that entire tribal nations fought to cherish
Because they worshipped that which nourished them. 
The Life Force Spirit
That which Nourished them..
The Life Force Spirit
That which Unites all things, 
Binds all things in reality
in a webwork of woven threads..
Filaments of stars, sinews of sunlight, 
Yarn of Stone, Hair of Water, 
Dyes of Cedar and Oak. 
Song of You & I & Every Friend

The magic maker sits looming 
over time & space
weaving memories, stories & songs
into the essence of every soul
and We are a Patchwork Quilt
Sewn together by Pachamama's breath...
And each patch in the Great Quilt
is our Heart Song
Dyed with the colour of our essence
Sharing the Splendor of our Dancing Thread
Sewn into the edges of our neighbors
Our Heart spills over
into the perimeter of our community

We are the Tribe Renewed by OUR LOVE
Walking the Pilgrimage route
Back to the Land
Where our children will cherish
The ecosystem quilt
We are all wrapped up in;
Sharing Pachamama

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