
Sunday, 8 April 2012

Woman of the Earth Living in Strength, Beauty and Balance

For millennia, woman have been without a strong leadership voice in human affairs. No more! Women are now in positions of power in every branch of government, business, and social organization. They are providing a new style of collaborative and visionary leadership, which is changing the way society functions.

We would not be as strong as what we could have been. We could never fly!

We are spiritual Beings having a human experience… See yourself and others (all life) from the inside out instead of as it appears. It is from here that creation begins, that we are one with all life. It is here that we are bound together by the irrefutable power of Love, which maintains and allows us to create from, a place of peace and harmony in union with the indescribable magnificence of Source and the love and light that emanates from that place. May we carry that awareness  every moment of every day.

Many times when we may be standing up for a belief, idea or opinion the belief we share may not be the most popular belief and will require us to be relentless in our approach, unwavering despite whatever the consequences may be. Doing what's right requires a person with a strong heart, so if you know you will compromise easily with your opposition, you may not want to try. Remember to always go with your gut, when you see something that you feel is absolutely wrong, do what your conscience is telling you that you should do, you never know who or what you may be helping!

"We need to fix our souls. Our souls are broken in this nation. We have lost our way. And it begins with inspiration. It begins with leadership."

—Michelle Obama, First Lady

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