
Friday, 23 March 2012

Grandmother Full Moon Ceremonies

Wouldn't it be nice to have a community of women, holding each others' intentions with the highest regards, and sharing in each other’s joys, passions, successes, disappointments, trials and tribulations?  Wouldn't it be nice to have a community of like-minded women who bring honor and homage to each other, without prejudice or judgment, and with open arms and hearts?  That is what I experienced last night when I was invited to my first Full Moon Ceremony led by a First Nation Elder that I was introduced to by one of the Grandmothers of the girls we work with.

The Grandmother Moon, our Sacred Earth Mother and all female relations in Nature are all revered in Native traditions. Indigenous people knew that everything in Creation has a spirit, and that we are connected to all of our relations in nature. As we reclaim our medicine gifts, it is important that we take this time to honor our Grandmother.

The Moon cycle is a gift to women; it is a time to cleanse herself mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The Moon time is considered a time of power, second only to the ability of the Great Spirit to give life. That is how strong that power is.

Women can ask Grandmother Moon for direction in life, for wisdom, and for help for her female relations. Grandmother Moon can give her healing and balancing energy to women. When the Moon is full, a woman can do a ceremony to honor and seek guidance from Grandmother Moon. In this circle the leader of the group Ester welcomes ALL women no matter what their race, color, culture or creed.

These women only ceremonies are profoundly grounding, and spiritually and emotionally uplifting.  Built on time-honored Native American traditions and I felt transported to a time of many moons ago ... when women came together to honor and replenish their spirit, their life and their very Being. As I sat within the glow of Grandmother Moon with 20 other women I had never met before we came together around an open fire to witness and experience the joy and power of the sacred feminine.

During this ceremony, shared in the clearing and cleansing of the body, mind and spirit. We were directed to bring a meter of yellow broadcloth and tobacco. We place some tobacco in the corner, fold it and smudge. The cloth is carried with us and cannot touch the ground. One Grandmother Moon is at her fullest we head outside to where a roaring fire had been created. We sit around the fire, share stories about our healing journey and focus on the fire while stating an intention to release all the things we no longer want in our lives—for ourselves, others or Mother Earth. We shared our stories, dreams, our past, present and future, releasing those things we no longer want to carry, and holding near the things we cherish.

 After that part of the ceremony is complete each woman takes her prayer cloth,  places some tobacco and sage in the fire, leaves the circle, faces the moon  and prays for everything and everyone that we wish to ask support and healing for. When she returns the prayer cloth is placed in the fire and a brief a two syllable shout is called out to put energy into the request and give power to the cleansing power of the fire.

 When every woman has gone through the process Ester beat her drum and sang songs of healing and blessings to Grandmother Moon.  Afterwards we shared in a small feast.  Within this ceremony we have to wear a long skirt because the skirts touch the ground in a circle honors women, the feminine energies within Grandmother Moon and our connection to her and the many blessings she offers to those who open to receive them.

Upon completion of the ceremony a food offering, tobacco and sage are placed in the fire. In Native traditions leaving food offerings for their clans, Mother Earth, the spirits, animals as an honoring for what we are given and to feed the energies and keep them strong.

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