
Sunday, 28 October 2012

A tribute to The Great Mother (Gaia/The Goddess)

All of the world's religions proclaim the need for love, compassion, mercy, kindness, patience, tolerance, and forgiveness. Yet these emphases can be overwhelmed by the evidence of human violence, anger, hatred, prejudice, greed, and selfishness. Even worse is when religions fight religions, and everyone has blood on their hands. This Feminine Divine Blog  presents and shares ideas on how we can create common ground through a respect for differences and diversity whether we agree or not by simply  making the moment by moment commitment to simply "love more" and asking ourselves whether our words and actions are unloving...or LOVING prior to putting them in motion. When we embrace the teachings and blessing from Goddess doors open and we become kinder, gentler and leads to wholeness within our soul path development.

We  all come from the One Source, to which we will all return and, even though we appear to be separate during our physical existence on Mother Earth we are, in truth, all one. Life is a series of challenges, all at different levels, and we can more easily meet these in a state of inspired and creative thought, with love, peace and serenity, if we learn to accept and love our connection with Goddess energy we are more able to seek, find and maintain common ground and  this is the Spirit of Oneness

More Signs of Spiritual Awakening

More Awakening Signs include:

-A feeling that something has changed within you

You simply feel different, you may not look any different but you know something has changed internally. Your old ways are falling by the wayside and the real you is starting to emerge.

-An increase in occurrences of coincidence

Better known as synchronicity, favourable people and beneficial circumstance start to appear with exactly what you need. Answers to questions are revealed to you through signs and messages. Synchronicity is a sign you are on the right track and that you are aware of these miracles happening around you. The more you notice and take heed, the more they appear so show appreciation for the guidance you are receiving.

-Quicker manifestations

Spiritual awakening raises your vibration; this involves a release of blockages which allows abundance to flow to you. Being in alignment with a higher vibration results in quicker and more beneficial manifestations to be received by you. Be aware of your thoughts so you get what you really want or better.

-Paying more attention to the details of daily life

-A desire to enroll in a classroom of "higher" learning

-Seeking new friends and groups who are interested in the Integrated life of the spirit (meaning balance in mind-body-spirit)

-Going to new places and moving outside of your comfort zone

For many of you, this is allowing yourself to ask questions in groups, to talk to "strangers" and to let go of your fears of looking uninformed in front of others.

-Sense of your own power to create with thought, words, and actions

-A feeling that you are somehow different, with new skills and gifts emerging, especially healing ones.

-Increased integrity

You realize that it is time for you to seek and speak your truth.

-A knowing sense of connectedness / Oneness

You have an abiding knowing from within of the intrinsic inter-relatedness of everything, both living and non-living. You have a sense that now your life is a living manifestation of this Truth, and that you are It -- as are all people

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Oprah Winfrey and the Feminine Divine

Founder of
Valerie Elverton Dixon

Oprah Winfrey is not a religious leader. She is a savvy businesswoman, a keen-eyed journalist, and a conduit for the qualities and the work of the Feminine Divine. Born, into a low income African-American family, she faced and conquered numerous personal and professional challenges to become one of the wealthiest women in the world. This is evidence that she is not only smart, but courageous. However, in my opinion, her skill and importance as a journalist does not garner nearly enough attention.

The essential truth about journalism is: “News is what people do not know.” For 25 years, Oprah Winfrey has used her program to bring news to a world-wide audience, and thereby she has made a significant contribution to the quality of our public discourse. Through various stages of my life—stay at home mother and homemaker, PhD graduate student, seminary ethics professor, independent scholar, writer, and lecturer-- I have been informed and challenged by the subjects she has covered.

In the program’s early days, when its format was similar to that of Phil Donahue’s program, I was often intrigued by the questions and comments from the audience. I remember when she took her program to a Georgia town that was experiencing racial trouble. The various perspectives represented in the audience and the thinking of her guests made me think more carefully about my own opinions regarding race in the United States.

She showed the difference between how being perceived as African American or Anglo American makes a difference as to whether a person could get the time of day on the streets of Chicago. When the same individual went out as a European American, he easily could get the time of day. When he darkened his skin and went out as an African American, he had a much more difficult time. I am sure this program helped Anglo Americans see the problem of race in America better.

Her program has helped to enlighten her audience about issues of sexuality, allowing the general public to hear the stories of Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgendered, Intersex and Asexual people. In the early days of the HIV-AIDS crisis she helped to educate people about how the disease spreads, shining a light on the persecution that people with HIV-AIDS suffered due to unwarranted fear. She has played an important part in breaking down barriers of discrimination.

Oprah has also taken her cameras to the poorest communities in the United States to show the economic inequality in the richest nation in the world. She did a program that illustrated the gross inequalities between school facilities in wealthy suburbs and inner city schools. One may have heard about such a disparity in passing, but watching her program made the reality very much more obvious.

She invited other journalists to her program to report on the status of women around the world, especially those suffering from rape as a tactic or war. She told the stories of sheroic efforts to bring medical treatment to young women suffering from fistulas in Africa. She has done programs on the continued existence of slavery, even in the United States of America. She has said that she does this because once we know what is going on in the world, we have an obligation to act to rectify the situation. This work of witness is the primary purpose of all good journalism.

And journalism is history is motion. When future historians want to know about the quarter century at the end of the 1900s and the beginning of the 2000s, the “Oprah Winfrey Show” will be an important primary source to consult.

I say that Oprah Winfrey is a conduit for the qualities and the work of the Feminine Divine because I think that her work embodies the qualities of God the Mother. She has managed her own wealth well and given her audience instructions on how to better manage their finances. She has also helped her audience know how to take better care of their physical and psychological health. Others have programs of their own to help disseminate this information thanks to her. She has been not only a conduit of knowledge, but of wisdom as well.

And she has been a comforter. She has not been shy about sharing her personal stories of abuse, and she has provided a forum for others, including men, to share their stories or humiliation and pain. Such stories unify us a human beings because a large part of life is learning how to live with our pain, how to bear the pain, how to live beyond the pain. Every story may not be the same, but the human condition is one where we all suffer at some point. Race, class, sex, sexual orientation or any other group designation does not shield us from the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.” And there is always hope, especially when we can hear how others have lived through what we are going through.

As Oprah Winfrey moves to another stage of her life and work, I am grateful for the twenty-five years of her program. Thank you Oprah. And when we think of the extraordinary woman that she is, we see a glimpse of the Goddess, Earth Mother, Friend who is a divine source of truth, generosity and love.
Valerie Elverton Dixon

Monday, 15 October 2012

The Beauty and Wonder of the Feminine Divine and Her Energetic Attributes

The feminine is intuition, feeling into things, nurturing + receiving. The masculine is action orientated, logical + analytically oriented. When we bring the masculine and feminine aspects into balance life flows more effortlessly. Accessing the Feminine Divine opens us to new ways of feeling  what we want and need and interfaces  with the masculine action to physically do whatever action is required to manifest desires into physical form.

creating more room for the feminine to live in my life, to help me open up more to what I can receive from life. I have done this by creating three feminine practices to bring into my day. I journal, I move my body and I immerse myself in books that inspire me and raise my energetic frequency.

The  feminine nature of  Creator is equal but different.  Opening to the gifts Goddesses bring assists both genders in achieving balance and spiritual wholeness. There are many who wish to gain enlightenment in a man's form, and there are few who wish to work for the welfare of living beings in a female form.
Therefore may I, in a female body, work for the welfare of all beings until such time as all humanity has found its fullness."
The Light of my heart just loves to find expression through me everyday ..I AM a beautiful Divine Light , everything that I touch is charged with the Divine love from my Heart Flame and blesses all Life as it passes by.. ♥ ● ¸. ★ °:. *. Light ○ ° ★☾ . *:. *. ° ○ °.. *.☾° Divine Love *♥¸ . ☾ °☆. • * ¨ `* • Grace ¸. * ● ¸*♥¸ . ☾ °☆. • * ¨Glory `* •  ¸. * ● ¸*♥Beauty¸ . ☾ °☆. • * ¨ Victory `* •  ¸. * ● ¸

Lisa Thiel - I Am The Goddess

Song: I Am The Goddess
Artist: Lisa Thiel
Album: Journey To The Goddess
# song: 13


I am the Goddess, Mother of Life,
I am the Goddess, bearer of Life

I am, I am, the Goddess Divine
I am, I am the Goddess Divine
Isis, Venus, Ishtar, Kali,
Minerva, Shakti, Kwan Yin, Lakshmi,
I am, I am the Goddess Divine,
I am, I am the Goddess Divine

I am the Goddess, ever living,
I am the Goddess, ever loving

I am, I am, the Goddess Divine
I am, I am the Goddess Divine
Isis, Venus, Ishtar, Kali,
Minerva, Shakti, Kwan Yin, Lakshmi,
I am, I am the Goddess Divine,
I am, I am the Goddess Divine

I am the Goddess, creatress of life,
I am the Goddess, who nourishes life

I am, I am, the Goddess Divine
I am, I am the Goddess Divine
Isis, Venus, Ishtar, Kali,
Minerva, Shakti, Kwan Yin, Lakshmi,
I am, I am the Goddess Divine,
I am, I am the Goddess Divine

I am the Goddess, Mother of Life,
I am the Goddess, bearer of Life

I am, I am, the Goddess Divine
I am, I am the Goddess Divine
Standard YouTube License

Goddess Protection Chant

Forever kind, gentle and loving,
She is a mother, a sister, a friend, a healer,
She dances, she sings sweet tenderness to harmony of life,
Forever humble and peaceful she shines of wonder.
Forever she inspires us.

A tribute to The Great Mother (Gaia/The Goddess)

A Song for Gaia”

A whisper in the trees,
A dance of raindrops sings,
Listen to the fluttering of butterfly wings,
Listen closer and here her sing.

With her smile and gaze of her crystal blue eyes,
She brings you back to the child inside,

Forever she inspires us.
Forever kind, gentle and loving,
She is a mother, a sister, a friend, a healer,
She dances, she sings sweet tenderness to harmony of life,
Forever humble and peaceful she shines of wonder.

Close your eyes, make a wish and listen to your heart sing.

Astonished Follow-Up: Holding Your Will Still By unASLEEP

This video is a follow up to the other Astonished video sharing information on how to open and shift one's perspectives and more fully awaken. These videos have been added to the Feminine Divine Blogs here because there are many who refuse to acknowledge anything beyond their fixated investment in a particular spiritual/religious dogma.

Here are some additional insights to help you more quickly and more effectively change your world into what you'd rather see. I hope you find them useful. :-)

In case you aren't familiar with the "Astonished" video, here's a quick link so you can check it out:

Much Love-

To download this music from the composer please click...

Astonished - by unASLEEP

For those who refuse to acknowledge the Feminine Divine it is clear that they are caught up in conditioned thinking and brain-washing in their spiritual belief systems. This informative video gently explains how we can awaken from our deep sleep and open to other energies.

The good news is that when we remove our consent to have unwanted influences in our lives...they leave. Within my soul path development Goddesses work with us in loving, nurturing ways to become more of who we already are as sparks of the Divine.

Following in the footsteps of "Acceptance vs. The Power to Change", here are step-by-step details on how we can effectively 'exhale', releasing what we have called into our life but that no longer suits us, and 'inhale' as we draw into our life what we would now like to experience.

The inhale and exhale are both intuitive and natural to this state of existence. They are performed by us all the time, whether or not we believe in them, and whether or not we are aware that we are doing it. We can believe it is happening or not, but if you are reading this, you are indeed doing it. Even if you were some isolated guru on a mountain top spending 95% of your time in a meditative trance, if you are still here, you are doing it. It's part of *being* 'here'.

So lets take it one step further, and recall how to do it deliberately, instead of fumbling through it as we sleepwalk through life. It's easy. And with little effort, you quickly get better and better at fact, you'll almost swear that you have done it before..... ;-)

I hope you try it right away. Don't forget to watch for your results.

I'd love to know how it goes for you, if any of you would like to share......

BTW, here's another new video, a follow-up for Astonished that goes into a little more detail for you. I hope you enjoy.

Goddess Love and Healing of Every Woman

♥ ♥ ♥For the healing of every woman...  ♥ ♥ ♥

Dear Goddess thank you for reaching in... to touch all what I am... A woman that is in perfect balance... I have healed myself... my sacred womb... vibrating with immense light... the Holy Grail activated... singing the most beautiful song... My heart... the color of green in all shades... surrounded with purple light... creating a vibrant vortex of energy spinning with intense speed... moving into all dimensions... touching source of you... dear Goddess.

Earth Mother... Dear Goddess... I am here this night... I have come to you... in the vortex between day and night... In the opening between the realities of form and formless... I am here representing all women... through my divine connection to you... to every woman... I am them and they are me...

The opening on top of my head... connects to the soul... sending immense bliss into every cell of my being... along the spine... intense vibrations... awaken all energy centers... to come alive... to send messages... to become ONE with every woman on Mother Earth... Reaching deeper... the Vortex of Energy spinning faster... Through time and space I call every woman... Through you... Dear Goddess... May our voices be heard... I am here... the representation in physical form... of the Divine Feminine...

ღ The Beauty of a Woman ღ Goddess ღ Music: Ludovico Einaudi "Primavera"

Here is a  video dedicated to all the beautiful Goddesses upon this Earth 
ॐ Awakening the ღ Beautiful Goddess that I AM ღ
Video created by Akasha Light /Sumara with love 

"you are Beautiful " no matter what .. and in the center of your Heart 
" You are eternally pure " ♥
..........,-""-;\ ........☸ڿڰۣ-- 
........\,---'` are a beautiful Rose in the heart of or Beloved Heavenly Mother

Personal Perspectives on Goddesses With A Video of Love and Respect for Them

By Coralie Raia Darsey-Malloy
I have been interested in Goddesses since my younger cousin asked where Mrs. God was. I was just coming into my teens at that time and from that point on I have studied, researched and embraced the important part female Deities have played in both ancient and modern cultures and religions including Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Mayan, African, Christian, Tibetan and Buddhist affiliations.

Although Mother Mary is one of the most commonly talked about Goddesses in Christianity there are so many others that help to heal and empower our inner feminine wisdom that is within every woman and man. They work in a "hand-in-wing" way with angels and in working with them many find that their intuition is awakened.

They also clear and open the heart chakra which results in increased manifestation abilities. As we all awaken our own inner feminine power, our world becomes more balanced and it makes it easier to move away from the old patriarchal monopoly. Goddess energy also renews our appreciation and respect for Mother nature and supports the newly and highly sensitive children known as Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children.

From ancient times the great GODDESS appeared as the source of the three aspects of existence by being worshiped as the UNIVERSAL, OMNIPRESENT MOTHER, full of wisdom.

She knew her children well, loved them and wished one day to gather them once again to Herself, to become part of the spiritual elite who not only entered into eternal paradise, but would go the aid of those devotees who needed her power to overcome the material difficulties of this world and other planets.

With her omniscience, she sees and knows everything, visible and invisible. Her energy can penetrate everything - our past, present and future. As the wife of Vishnu, she has the power to intervene to grant our prayers and change treacherous circumstances.

Her second power is to open our consciousness. This is the hidden gift of love, the fundamental virtue of all good mothers. The goddess not only gives and shares her bountiful KNOWLEDGE, but she is also the internal guiding wisdom of our microcosm. This wisdom gives us the power to oppose the forces of evil.

Her third power is happiness.

She sees with her heart, smiles, pardons and consoles; she cures the miseries and wounds to the spirit and inspires love. She represents interior happiness, which shines forth and communicates itself to us all.
A goddess is also a woman who is in the process of learning to know, accept and love herself on all levels, Mind Body and Spirit. A woman who, because she focuses on personal growth and self awareness, experiences a life, increasingly filled with peace, love, joy, passion and fun. A woman that understands that she has unlimited capacity to make her life anything she wants. A woman who is inspired to give to those around her our of her sense of gratitude and abundance."

by Selina Fenech

I created the following video  out of my honor and respect for the feminine Godhead and I would be interested in sharing your ideas, beliefs and experiences with Goddesses.  I celebrate Goddesses and all they bring to the lives of those who open to their Divine presence.

The Spiritual Meaning of the Sexes - by unASLEEP

What does it really mean to be male? To be female? What is the Higher Truth represented by these physical manifestations? I bet you haven't heard it explained this way before. :-D Well, at least I hadn't, until it was revealed to me. I had no idea - the answer took me completely by surprise, as it may you. But once you see it, you'll wonder how you could have ever overlooked it before.

I hope you enjoy this one.

Much love to you -

A video tribute to Goddess Shakti with Lyrics by Robbie Robertson.

This video with video with  lyrics to Unbound by Robbie Robertson is a beautiful tribute to the Divine Energy of Shakti


With eyes of fire
No one can see
The smoke from the sweet grass
Covers me

I am drawn
I am drawn to her
Like a moth to flame
She leads me down

I am lost
I am lost
Has anybody seen me
I am lost

Oh nothing is forgotten
Only left behind
Wherever I am
She leads me down

No borders
No fences
No walls
No borders
No fences

Oh, listen for the night chant
Oh, listen for the night chant

Like a moth to flame
She leads me down

No borders
No fences
No borders
No fences

Sunday, 14 October 2012

*Quantum Physics* Welcome To The Matrix

This video is a great primer for how physics, consciousness, fear based thinking, variances in energy dynamics, holographic creation and how beliefs affect it, realty and thought, order out of chaos. Within universal thinking there isn't a dominating masculine, patriarchal Source. People living in quiet desperation and locked within rigid belief system cannot see beyond that and it leads to a slow, vibrating dense state. The more attached people are attached to their thoughts the more it reflects in their life.

In many religions around the world the Feminine Divine is as "real" as those who believe only in the power of Masculine Divine. Whatever one's beliefs are they are just that...beliefs. We believe in the fluctuations of energy because in our view...that allows us to explore and change with the influx of new information. Above all one thing is for sure scientists and spirituality are merging.

Solfeggio Harmonics - 285 HZ - Quantum Cognition

As we open and awaken to the energetic aspects of our BEING-ness the polarizing beliefs about ourselves and others dissolve within the Oneness of the Feminine and Masculine Divine. Quantum Cognition is the quality of information processing that encompasses and extends beyond material/sensory based data collection modalities, to include more subtle avenues of awareness, where a direct experience of the nature of the perceiver can be felt and understood in its totality. This direct experience is verified by the perceiver, according to his/her own reality strategy, while also transcending the linear syntax of thought patterns familiar to the intellect. This quality of perception, being uninhibited by linearity, unhinges consciousness from the boundary conditions of the ego thought system - which is rooted in time/space - allowing access to the a temporal reality of our eternal self-hood.